simonov: SCTA abstraction 1
simonov: SCTA abstraction 2
simonov: SCTA abstraction 3
simonov: Camp Simonov, November 2002
simonov: Sunset over the San Gabriels
simonov: The Old Buick
simonov: You gotta be kidding
simonov: Flathead bellytank lakester
simonov: Lake racing third generation Camaro
simonov: D/PRO class interior
simonov: Z car
simonov: Greybeards
simonov: Timing run
simonov: Through the traps
simonov: Camp Simonov, October 2006
simonov: Cisco the Desert Dog
simonov: Rattler!
simonov: Scary clouds
simonov: Waiting for the dust to clear
simonov: Ferguson Racing streamliner car 75
simonov: The dust storm
simonov: Desert rainbow
simonov: Tech inspection trailer
simonov: Camp Simonov, November 2006
simonov: Desert sunset
simonov: Desert sunset
simonov: Sit-down dinner
simonov: A real bellytank lakester
simonov: Streamliner car 75 making its run.
simonov: Camp Simonov July 2007