Simon Leach 2012:
Simon Leach 2012:
Tomb of the Duke of York, killed at Wakefield
Simon Leach 2012:
Falcon and Fetterlock
Simon Leach 2012:
Richard III Memorial Window
Simon Leach 2012:
Decorated Pulpit
Simon Leach 2012:
Eagle Lectern
Simon Leach 2012:
Latin Plaque
Simon Leach 2012:
Simon Leach 2012:
Illuminated Scroll
Simon Leach 2012:
Falcon and Fetterlock
Simon Leach 2012:
Royal Arms
Simon Leach 2012:
Altar Front
Simon Leach 2012:
Plaque to Duke of York killed at Agincourt
Simon Leach 2012:
Tomb of Duke of York killed at Agincourt
Simon Leach 2012:
Plaque to Duke of York killed at Wakefield