simonk: My mini poster test print
simonk: Lauren cutting out her poster
simonk: Rhiannon checking out the posters
simonk: Posters waiting for visitors
simonk: Herbert + Siobhan
simonk: Christina + Sona
simonk: Christina + Herbert + Sona
simonk: Sona's Candy
simonk: Anita + Rhiannon grab some food
simonk: Chistina and her Dad
simonk: Poster session begins
simonk: Artifacts related to Rhiannon's poster
simonk: Visualization Toolkit
simonk: The Opportunites of Mobile Phones in Religous Participation
simonk: Improving Communication During Widespread Emergencies
simonk: Act Up: Encouraging Active Lifestyles among Middle School Girls
simonk: Where's my Dinner!?!
simonk: Daylighting the nine mile run watershed: a system for connecting people to place through ecologically-focused interactions
simonk: MediaFranca: Strengthening Civic Connection and Social Agency
simonk: Slow Messaging: Intimage communication for couples living at a distance
simonk: Design for civic engagement: connecting people to each other and to their neighborhood through narrative
simonk: Get Your Vote On
simonk: Visualizing SPAM: Where the hell is it all coming from?
simonk: Just Enough Research
simonk: Agumented Objects
simonk: Transforming Patient Care in the Emergency Room
simonk: Agumenting Qualitative Notetaking: How can emerging technological resources inform and inspire the method and form by which students identify and capture important content?
simonk: Let's go out to the lobby: designing for moviegoing experience at the squirrel hill theater