Simon Forster: Great Barbet (Megalaima virens)
Simon Forster: Indian toitoiseshell (Aglais kaschmirensis)
Simon Forster: Yellow Pansy (Junonia hierta)
Simon Forster: Spotted Hill Sergeant (Athyma opalina)
Simon Forster: Himalayan Striped Punch (Dodona adonira)
Simon Forster: Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis)
Simon Forster: Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis)
Simon Forster: Paddyfield Pipit (Anthus rufulus)
Simon Forster: Paddyfield Pipit (Anthus rufulus)
Simon Forster: Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)
Simon Forster: Black-throated Bushtit (Aegithalos concinnus)
Simon Forster: Black-throated Bushtit (Aegithalos concinnus)
Simon Forster: Black-throated Bushtit (Aegithalos concinnus)
Simon Forster: Black-throated Bushtit (Aegithalos concinnus)
Simon Forster: Black-throated Bushtit (Aegithalos concinnus)
Simon Forster: Green-backed tit (Parus monticolus)
Simon Forster: Verdite flycatcher (Eumyias thalassinus)
Simon Forster: Long-tailed shrike (Lanius schach)
Simon Forster: Asian or Siberian stonechat (Saxicola maurus)
Simon Forster: A young Steppe Eagle (Aquila nipalensis) demonstrates its flying skills
Simon Forster: Himalayan Punchinello (Zemeros flegyas)
Simon Forster: Tiger Brown (Orinoma damaris)
Simon Forster: Indian Wanderer or Common Wanderer (Pareronia hippia)
Simon Forster: Common Sailor (Neptis hylas)
Simon Forster: Common Fivering (Ypthima baldus)
Simon Forster: Common Jezebel or possibly Painted Jezebel (Delius eucharis)
Simon Forster: Common Grass Yellow (Eureka hecabe)
Simon Forster: Asian Widow (Palpopleura sexmaculata)
Simon Forster: To be ID (Nepal)
Simon Forster: Patalaban, Nepal