simone.vanhattem: 72/365 Escape
simone.vanhattem: new house
simone.vanhattem: small pond, big pond
simone.vanhattem: new house
simone.vanhattem: my stuff's new home
simone.vanhattem: new house
simone.vanhattem: hot water
simone.vanhattem: Front door
simone.vanhattem: on the road around Pemberton
simone.vanhattem: Big Brook Dam
simone.vanhattem: 73/365 Winter?!
simone.vanhattem: bbqing at Big Brook Dam
simone.vanhattem: The Cascades
simone.vanhattem: The Cascades
simone.vanhattem: The Cascades
simone.vanhattem: on the road around Pemberton
simone.vanhattem: on the road around Pemberton
simone.vanhattem: Tonnie and mum
simone.vanhattem: 74/365 Under the table
simone.vanhattem: Golden Valley Tree Park
simone.vanhattem: Golden Valley Tree Park