simone.utzeri: milano buses company
simone.utzeri: city hall
simone.utzeri: skyscraper's windows
simone.utzeri: skyscraper's elevation
simone.utzeri: flying around
simone.utzeri: garibaldi tower in milan
simone.utzeri: the phare
simone.utzeri: INPS palace
simone.utzeri: Paris_Eiffel tower
simone.utzeri: Eiffel tower
simone.utzeri: Velasca tower
simone.utzeri: Velasca tower
simone.utzeri: Velasca tower
simone.utzeri: Don't open that door
simone.utzeri: Großsiedlung Siemensstadt sidewalk
simone.utzeri: looking up
simone.utzeri: curvy terrace and little clouds
simone.utzeri: leaning curvy terrace
simone.utzeri: like a train that is arriving
simone.utzeri: face in the grass
simone.utzeri: are you sure?