Karina Terekhova: Great grandmother, grandmother and great aunt with my father and aunt
Karina Terekhova: 1 year and 1 month
Karina Terekhova: At the nursery, 2 years
Karina Terekhova: Last kindergarten photo, 5 years
Karina Terekhova: Rafting, 7 years
Karina Terekhova: First day at school, 1.09.1977
Karina Terekhova: with my brother, me 6 yrs, he 6 months
Karina Terekhova: Music school concert, 13 years
Karina Terekhova: Dressed up as a squaw
Karina Terekhova: Music school graduation, 15 years
Karina Terekhova: Boat to Valaam, 17 years
Karina Terekhova: 071220081370