SimonBrumby: Common and Grey Seals
SimonBrumby: Red Squirrel #3
SimonBrumby: Red Squirrel
SimonBrumby: Peregrine ISO3200 test
SimonBrumby: Glossy Ibis NL
SimonBrumby: Red-necked Palarope
SimonBrumby: Sabine's Gull
SimonBrumby: Moustached Warbler♂ (Acrocephalus melanopogon).
SimonBrumby: Corn Crake - Crex crex.
SimonBrumby: White-winged tern, (Chlidonias leucopterus).
SimonBrumby: Eurasian spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia).
SimonBrumby: Sparowhawk NO Zoom test
SimonBrumby: P1130365DOTY2014.mp4 Digiscoper of the Year 2014 3rd place "Film" Category
SimonBrumby: P1390754 Parachute interlude.
SimonBrumby: Goldfinch's
SimonBrumby: Great spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major)P1470527
SimonBrumby: The Pygmy's Forest
SimonBrumby: Memories
SimonBrumby: Natures Light
SimonBrumby: A Passion for birds
SimonBrumby: Barn Owl 96fps Vlog test
SimonBrumby: Horned Lark
SimonBrumby: Siberian Rubythroat
SimonBrumby: Red knot
SimonBrumby: Swarovski 11th Digiscoper of the year Video 2nd place winner "Of dreams of wings"
SimonBrumby: Peck the little guy...
SimonBrumby: Peck the little guy 2
SimonBrumby: Great bittern