simon_white: DSCF8785
simon_white: DSCF8786
simon_white: DSCF8787
simon_white: DSCF8788
simon_white: DSCF8789
simon_white: DSCF8790
simon_white: DSCF8791
simon_white: DSCF8792
simon_white: DSCF8793
simon_white: The grave of David Kirk Smith
simon_white: The grave of Alexander Guthrie
simon_white: The grave of Andrew Grierson
simon_white: The grave of Robert Stevenson
simon_white: The grave of William Knox
simon_white: The grave of William Knox
simon_white: DSCF8800
simon_white: The burial ground of John Gall, Coachbuilder
simon_white: The burial ground of John Gall, Coachbuilder
simon_white: The burial ground of John Gall, Coachbuilder
simon_white: The grave of William Knox
simon_white: The grave of John Croall
simon_white: The grave of Andreas Gregorowicz