Simon-EmX5: Reconnoitre run for first timers
Simon-EmX5: Seanan Tilson leads reconnoitre run
Simon-EmX5: Fernando past the roundabout
Simon-EmX5: Fernando finishes
Simon-EmX5: Geordie Thompson after the turn
Simon-EmX5: Tesco through the roundabout
Simon-EmX5: Tesco approaches the roundabout
Simon-EmX5: Gary Wotzko approaching the roundabout
Simon-EmX5: Tesco through the finish
Simon-EmX5: Don Messenger at the turn
Simon-EmX5: Tony Hamilton finishes
Simon-EmX5: Ross James turns in
Simon-EmX5: Dave Fields through the finish
Simon-EmX5: John Phillips turns in
Simon-EmX5: Lyall Tilson through the roundabout
Simon-EmX5: Lyall turns in
Simon-EmX5: John Phillips through the finish
Simon-EmX5: Lyall through the finish
Simon-EmX5: Shannon Dittmer at the turn
Simon-EmX5: Geordie Thompson at the turn
Simon-EmX5: Tesco starts
Simon-EmX5: Gary at the main turn
Simon-EmX5: Don Messenger on layout two
Simon-EmX5: Don turns at the roundabout
Simon-EmX5: Warwick Gates starts layout two
Simon-EmX5: Warwick turns in
Simon-EmX5: Warwick turns at the roundabout
Simon-EmX5: Dave fields starts layout two
Simon-EmX5: Lyall starts layout two
Simon-EmX5: Shannon starts layout two