theo79: a longlasting selfportrait experience
theo79: who is this guy?
theo79: once upon a guy
theo79: u2 concert in rome
theo79: 1998: The Year
theo79: my first heart crush
theo79: guitar hero
theo79: neverending fluofashion
theo79: high school, first year
theo79: dylan obsession
theo79: dylan obsession
theo79: paolo vallesi???!?!
theo79: notare i tipi di sinistra
theo79: love is love
theo79: long lasting friendship (in converse)
theo79: gli anni d'oro del grande Real
theo79: beverly for sure
theo79: la mia educazione sentimentale
theo79: saggezza eleniana
theo79: rimasugli di Twin Peaks
theo79: Il Diario di Prima Media (Best Company)
theo79: my wedding dress
theo79: when I was real thin
theo79: take that fever
theo79: when I was a runner
theo79: this is not a seasonal passion