theo79: destination everywhere
theo79: convenevoli
theo79: sere&vale
theo79: happy triumph
theo79: this is not a wedding
theo79: this is not a wedding
theo79: simo&aida secondo alecatte
theo79: fluo kids
theo79: e daje!
theo79: cheers!
theo79: interisti a riposo
theo79: vale
theo79: tags crossed
theo79: tig tag tig tag
theo79: free rides
theo79: and red will be
theo79: from 12th floor to ground control
theo79: we've done it!!
theo79: diabolicz
theo79: copricopri!!
theo79: room 1203
theo79: im just a little bit tired...
theo79: stARBoooooo
theo79: Ilikeit(butIdon'thavemoney!)
theo79: love is love
theo79: donotcross
theo79: divina providencia
theo79: electropic
theo79: prohibido
theo79: la cangura