theo79: just in the afternoon!
theo79: before the storm
theo79: don't wanna be taken!!!!!!
theo79: last changes on the Scaletta
theo79: poor things!!
theo79: already tired!
theo79: God save the innocence
theo79: I'm so business right now!
theo79: privileged
theo79: beware the big bear (II edition)
theo79: crazyness is floating in the air
theo79: so sweet!!
theo79: Yeah!!
theo79: marcioshadow
theo79: saluti papali
theo79: secondo te??
theo79: ...tutta colpa tua!
theo79: confidentially
theo79: mr Ol
theo79: so confortable
theo79: saurodad
theo79: convenevoli
theo79: men thoughs
theo79: OTG
theo79: horror vacui
theo79: if you just would know
theo79: TAMTAM
theo79: DegE
theo79: che bellini!
theo79: I'm with a Star!!!!!!!