simarinegeo: The unique tube-forming amphipod Cerapus tubularis
simarinegeo: Beautiful day on the Eastern Shore
simarinegeo: Reflecting on the day's work
simarinegeo: Sampling a seagrass community
simarinegeo: And who doesn't love an elegant little nudibranch?
simarinegeo: The work of discovery
simarinegeo: Ovalipes ocellatus, the Lady Crab
simarinegeo: My what a big claw you have! The amphipod Dulichiella appendiculata
simarinegeo: DSC_2341 coquina - credit Amnda Bemis
simarinegeo: Bdelloura candida (Triclad flatworm), who lives exclusively among the gills of the horseshoe crab
simarinegeo: This beautiful, tiny sea slug Ercolania fuscata (Ascoglossa) is probably a specialist feeder on one or a few types of green algae
simarinegeo: Proceraea fasciata (Polychaeta: Maldanidae)
simarinegeo: Chiridotea caeca (Isopoda: Idoteidae)
simarinegeo: The joy of discovery.
simarinegeo: The MarineGEO team is a well-oiled machine.
simarinegeo: Organizing field data back at the lab
simarinegeo: Nat preparing to attack the buoy, Cape Charles
simarinegeo: Nick sampling meiofauna at Cape Charles
simarinegeo: MarineGEO field crew sampling at Cape Charles
simarinegeo: Team member Simon Pecnik meets a new friend, Cape Charles
simarinegeo: eam members John Slapcinsky, Nat Evans, Stephanie Bush, and Jenny Dreyer sampling at Cape Charles
simarinegeo: John sampling at Wise Point, Virginia
simarinegeo: The marsh periwinkle (Littoraria irrorata) on cordgrass at WisePoint, Virginia
simarinegeo: A good haul of bryozoans and sponges from the floating docks at Wise Point, Virginia.
simarinegeo: Gustav leaves no stone unturned. Oyster, Virginia.
simarinegeo: Hunting above the tide line, Oyster, Virginia.
simarinegeo: P7260009 Stephanie Bush - credit Emmett Duffy
simarinegeo: Team member Nick Schizas, University of Puerto Rico.
simarinegeo: Team member Jim Thomas, Nova Southeastern University
simarinegeo: Team member Carrie Craig, National Museum of Natural History.