simarinegeo: Diver leaves the RV Cofrin at Almirante reef
simarinegeo: Almirante reef and mangroves, Bocas del Toro, Panama
simarinegeo: Rain shower from below
simarinegeo: baitfish shoal over fire coral
simarinegeo: Diver discussion at surface
simarinegeo: Fish survey in sponge garden, Long Point, Bocas del Toro, Panama
simarinegeo: Diver fish count on transect, Isla Pastores, Bocas del Toro, Panama
simarinegeo: Diver hovers over sponge garden, Isla Pastores reef, Bocas del Toro, Panama
simarinegeo: Recording data after a survey dive, Isla Popa, Bocas del Toro, Panama
simarinegeo: Coral (Porites furcata) infilled with Zoanthus pulchellus, Almirante reef, Bocas del Toro, Panama
simarinegeo: Sponge (Verongula rigida), Almirante reef, Bocas del Toro, Panama
simarinegeo: Sponge and coral garden, Almirante reef, Bocas del Toro, Panama
simarinegeo: Porites furcata colony infilled with Caulerpa racemosa and Zoanthus pulchellus
simarinegeo: Reef Life Survey leader Graham Edgar and TMON Biologist Janina Seemann comparing notes after survey dive
simarinegeo: Corals (Porites furcata and Madracis aurotenra) with brittle stars (Ophiothrix suensonii), Long Point, Bocas del Toro, Panama
simarinegeo: Porites furcata, dominant coral on reeftops in Bocas del Toro region, Panama copy
simarinegeo: Diadema urchin among finger corals, Isla Pastores
simarinegeo: Tangle of reef biodiversity, Long Point Reef, Bocas del Toro
simarinegeo: Diver returning to surface
simarinegeo: MarineGEO crew installs new water monitoring equipment in Bocas del Toro Panama
simarinegeo: Under the dock at Bocas station
simarinegeo: GoPro camera recording visitors to 'squidpop" predation assay
simarinegeo: Surveying seagrass, MarineGEO site at Almirante, Bocas del Toro, Panama, April 2015
simarinegeo: Surveying fishes on seagrass transect