silyld: winglet and "hamsterisated" engine
silyld: airborne irish clouds and fields
silyld: central london from the sky
silyld: Fuel Depot Explosion - Airborne Capture V
silyld: moonrise @ sunset from the air
silyld: river of gold
silyld: early morning london
silyld: you'd swear this was molten lava
silyld: heavy rain @ dublin runway 10
silyld: runway 35 cork
silyld: Sunrise on the Wash - Airborne
silyld: sunrise on FR902 14-09-07
silyld: patchwork fields - fountainstown beach and the minane river
silyld: Pinkness on FR902 14-09-07
silyld: textures & light
silyld: Cork University Hospital
silyld: A rework of my shot of the Oil Depot Explosion 11-12-2005
silyld: golden flooded fields
silyld: peat digging
silyld: limerick from the air
silyld: airborne sunset
silyld: golden snake :-)
silyld: flying on orangey glowing cotton wool
silyld: Fuel Depot Explosion - Airborne Capture I (reworked by Matre)
silyld: departing shot
silyld: Fuel Depot Explosion - Airborne Capture IV - Sent to & Published by the Daily Telegraph 12-12-05 p4 - also got 2nd place in 2006 Citizen Journalism Awards
silyld: The Ominous Black Cloud from afar
silyld: Fuel Depot Explosion - Airborne Capture III
silyld: Fuel Depot Explosion - Airborne Capture II
silyld: Fuel Depot Explosion - Airborne Capture I - Sent to & used on BBC & CNN websites