Peter M Greenwood:
Columba bollii Godman, 1872 - Bolle's pigeon
Peter M Greenwood:
Columba bollii Godman, 1872 - Bolle's pigeon
Peter M Greenwood:
Canary Islands: La Palma: Santa Cruz de la Palma. 03/02/2019
Peter M Greenwood:
Canary Islands: : La Palma: San Isidro. Walk along the water channel of the Canal de Fuencaliente. 03/02/2019
Peter M Greenwood:
Falco tinnunculus canariensis (Koenig, AF, 1890) - Canarian Kestrel
Peter M Greenwood:
Canary Islands: La Palma: Playa des Nogules. 03/02/2019
Peter M Greenwood:
Canary Islands: La Palma: Playa des Nogules. 03/02/2019
Peter M Greenwood:
Grapsus adscensionis (Osbeck, 1765) - Moorish red legged crab, Sally Lightfood Crab
Peter M Greenwood:
Danaus plexippus (Linnaeus, 1758) - Monarch butterfly on Echium brevirame
Peter M Greenwood:
Corvus corax canariensis Hartert & Kleinschmidt, 1901 - Common raven
Peter M Greenwood:
Corvus corax canariensis Hartert & Kleinschmidt, 1901 - Common raven
Peter M Greenwood:
Canary Islands: La Palma. La Salamera. 08/02/2019
Peter M Greenwood:
Fringilla coelebs palmae Tristram, 1889 - La Palma chaffinch, Palman chaffinch
Peter M Greenwood:
Fringilla coelebs palmae Tristram, 1889 - La Palma chaffinch, Palman chaffinch
Peter M Greenwood:
Anthus berthelotii Bolle, 1862 - Berthelot's pipit
Peter M Greenwood:
Hyles livornica (Esper, 1780) - Striped Hawk Moth
Peter M Greenwood:
Lantana camara L.
Peter M Greenwood:
Canary Islands: La Palma. La Cumbrecita. 07/02/2019
Peter M Greenwood:
Canary Islands: La Palma. La Cumbrecita. 07/02/2019
Peter M Greenwood:
Canary Islands: La Palma. La Cumbrecita. 07/02/2019