Peter M Greenwood:
Parietaria judaica L. - Pellitory of the Wall
Peter M Greenwood:
Parietaria judaica L. - Pellitory-of-the-wall
Peter M Greenwood:
Parietaria mauritanica Durieu
Peter M Greenwood:
Urtica dioica L. - Common Nettle
Peter M Greenwood:
Urtica membranacea Poir. - Membranous Nettle
Peter M Greenwood:
Urtica membranacea Poir. - Membranous Nettle
Peter M Greenwood:
Urtica membranacea Poiret -
Peter M Greenwood:
Urtica pilulifera L.
Peter M Greenwood:
Urtica urens L. - Annual Nettle
Peter M Greenwood:
Soleirolia soleirolii (Req.) Dandy - Mind-your-own-business
Peter M Greenwood:
Gesnouinia arborea (L.fil.)Gaud.
Peter M Greenwood:
Gesnouinia arborea (L.fil.)Gaud.
Peter M Greenwood:
Urtica pilulifera L.
Peter M Greenwood:
Urtica membranacea Poir.
Peter M Greenwood:
Forsskaolea angustifolia Retz.
Peter M Greenwood:
Forsskaolea angustifolia Retz.
Peter M Greenwood:
Gesnouinia arborea (L.fil.)Gaud.
Peter M Greenwood:
Parietaria cretica L.
Peter M Greenwood:
Urtica pilulifera L.
Peter M Greenwood:
Parietaria officinalis L.
Peter M Greenwood:
Parietaria debilis G. Forst.
Peter M Greenwood:
Parietaria debilis G. Forst.
Peter M Greenwood:
Gesnouinia arborea (L.fil.)Gaud.
Peter M Greenwood:
Forsskaolea angustifolia Retz.
Peter M Greenwood:
Urtica morifolia Poir.
Peter M Greenwood:
Gesnouinia arborea (L.fil.)Gaud.
Peter M Greenwood:
Forsskaolea angustifolia Retz.
Peter M Greenwood:
Parietaria diffusa Mert. & W.D.J.Koch - Pellitory of the wall