Peter M Greenwood: Acanthodactylus erythrurus (juvenile) - Spiny-footed Lizard ( Juvenile with characteristic stripe pattern and reddish tail )
Peter M Greenwood: Psammodromus occidentalis Fitze, Gonzalez-Jimena, San Jose, San Mauro, & Zardoya, 2012 - Western Psammodromus
Peter M Greenwood: Natrix astreptophora (SEOANE, 1885) - Iberian Grass Snake
Peter M Greenwood: Natrix astreptophora (SEOANE, 1885) - Iberian Grass Snake
Peter M Greenwood: Hyla meridionalis - Stripeless Tree Frog
Peter M Greenwood: Psammodromus algirus (Linnaeus, 1758) - Large Psammodromus
Peter M Greenwood: Large Psammodromus - Psammodromus algirus
Peter M Greenwood: Large Psammodromus - Psammodromus algirus
Peter M Greenwood: Large Psammodromus - Psammodromus algirus
Peter M Greenwood: Large Psammodromus - Psammodromus algirus
Peter M Greenwood: Macroprotodon brevis (GÜNTHER, 1862) - False Smooth Snake
Peter M Greenwood: Natrix maura - Viperine Snake id. D. Kane
Peter M Greenwood: Pelophylax perezi (Seoane, 1885) Synonym/s: Rana perezi Seoane, 1885 - Iberian Water Frog
Peter M Greenwood: Podarcis vaucheri (Boulenger, 1905) - Andalusian wall lizard, Vaucher's Wall Lizard
Peter M Greenwood: Podarcis vaucheri (Boulenger, 1905) - Andalusian wall lizard, Vaucher's Wall Lizard
Peter M Greenwood: Podarcis vaucheri (Boulenger, 1905) - Andalusian wall lizard, Vaucher's Wall Lizard
Peter M Greenwood: Tarentola mauritanica (Linnaeus, 1758) - Moorish or Wall Gecko
Peter M Greenwood: Tarentola mauritanica (Linnaeus, 1758) - Moorish or Wall Gecko
Peter M Greenwood: Tarentola mauritanica (Linnaeus, 1758) - Wall Gecko, Moorish Gecko
Peter M Greenwood: Tarentola mauritanica (Linnaeus, 1758) - Wall Gecko, Moorish Gecko
Peter M Greenwood: Timon nevadensis (Buchholz, 1963) - Sierra Nevada Ocellated Lizard
Peter M Greenwood: Timon nevadensis (Buchholz, 1963) - Sierra Nevada Ocellated Lizard
Peter M Greenwood: Timon nevadensis (Buchholz, 1963) - Sierra Nevada Ocellated Lizard
Peter M Greenwood: Timon nevadensis (Buchholz, 1963) - Sierra Nevada Ocellated Lizard
Peter M Greenwood: Timon nevadensis (Buchholz, 1963) - Sierra Nevada Ocellated Lizard
Peter M Greenwood: Vipera latastei BOSCA, 1878 - Lataste's viper
Peter M Greenwood: Podarcis lilfordi (Günther, 1874) - Lilford's Wall Lizard
Peter M Greenwood: Podarcis lilfordi (Günther, 1874) - Lilford's Wall Lizard
Peter M Greenwood: Podarcis lilfordi (Günther, 1874) - Lilford's Wall Lizard
Peter M Greenwood: Podarcis lilfordi (Günther, 1874) - Lilford's Wall Lizard