silwittmann: The old sailboat "Eye of the Wind", with Sønderborg Castle in background / Port of Sønderborg - Denmark
silwittmann: Church near Møgeltønder, Sønderjylland county, Denmark
silwittmann: fachada- Tonder- DIN
silwittmann: Kopie der Staupe-Figur (Kagmand) von 1699 in Tønder : ein Soldat, der kleine Strafen ausführen musste. Diese Kopie wurde 1993 gestiftet. - Sculpture: The kagmand (copy): a medieval soldier who applied little punishment...
silwittmann: arquiteura em detalhes
silwittmann: Baroque door - barock Tür - porte baroque
silwittmann: porta barroca
silwittmann: A cegonha chegou! = The stork has arrived!
silwittmann: That's where I go - Ahí es donde voy - È lì che vado - É pra lá que eu vou - Ich gehe dorthin!
silwittmann: symbol of royalty at the gate of Castle Mogeltonder, the summer residence of Prince Joachim and Princess Marie of Denmark
silwittmann: baroque facade in in Tønder - Denmark / old city
silwittmann: "carranca" de veleiro - sailboat figurehead - mascarón de proa de velero - figure de proue d'un voilier - Segelboot Galionsfigur - polena di barca a vela
silwittmann: Tønder - Danmark (Denmark): old town
silwittmann: igreja do séc. XVIII e cemitério envolto em labirinto verde
silwittmann: Tønder, a lively Market Town in Sønderjylland
silwittmann: details of a colorful facade in Tønder, Denmark
silwittmann: an old Danish house - front facade
silwittmann: weathervane recalls the epic of wikings and the Danish royalty ...
silwittmann: Trojborg Castle Ruin
silwittmann: Ballum Church and frisian house - Denmark
silwittmann: Ballum Church and frisian house
silwittmann: Ballum - Denmark : old frisian house
silwittmann: Beautiful danish house in Ballum
silwittmann: colors of Sønderborg : the Harbourside- (old town) - Denmark
silwittmann: Tønder - Denmark
silwittmann: Uma tarde prateada / A silver afternoon
silwittmann: Felicidades em 2013! Happiness in 2013!
silwittmann: passageway unter the bridge
silwittmann: colorful passageway...
silwittmann: street in Tønder, Denmark , downtown