silviaON: happy sunday colors :)
silviaON: delicacy
silviaON: orchid
silviaON: touch of pink
silviaON: wild orchid
silviaON: innocence
silviaON: secret
silviaON: orchid
silviaON: echo
silviaON: day&night
silviaON: orchid
silviaON: embrace
silviaON: delicate
silviaON: pastel
silviaON: let's dance
silviaON: orchid
silviaON: the next chapter
silviaON: spotted
silviaON: memorias
silviaON: jolly
silviaON: wild orchid
silviaON: remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination. Roy M. Goodman
silviaON: dreams are necessary to life. Anais Nin
silviaON: Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. Galadriel, the Fellowship of the Ring
silviaON: there is a softness
silviaON: children of light
silviaON: lasting impact
silviaON: take more
silviaON: truth