Si1very: DSCN9593
Si1very: DSCN9594
Si1very: Dennis Wehrmann, Beginning of Tour
Si1very: Grinding Machine
Si1very: Malt Bags
Si1very: DSCN9598
Si1very: DSCN9599
Si1very: DSCN9600
Si1very: DSCN9601
Si1very: Dennis Wehrmann, Lecturing
Si1very: DSCN9603
Si1very: DSCN9604
Si1very: DSCN9605
Si1very: Dennis Wehrmann, lecturing at Franconia Brewing Co.
Si1very: Processing Tanks
Si1very: Pipes & Valves at Franconia Brewing Co.
Si1very: Pipes at Franconia
Si1very: Fermentation Process, Franconia Brewing Co
Si1very: Pipes & Hoses at the Microbrewery
Si1very: Fermentation Tanks at the Franconia Brewing Company
Si1very: Fermentation Tanks, Franconia Brewery
Si1very: Brewery Tour, Cold Room
Si1very: Dennis Wehrmann in the cold room
Si1very: Beer tank in the cooling room
Si1very: Laura & Veronica
Si1very: Veronica sneaking a bit of beer from the tank!
Si1very: Chilled Tanks
Si1very: 99 Barrels of Beer on the Wall...
Si1very: Konig-Brauerei Barrels
Si1very: Franconia Beer