JimmyMac210 - just returned home from hospital: Pole Dancing Club on Hackney Rd
JimmyMac210 - just returned home from hospital: It's Superman! No it's bird, no it's the plane.
JimmyMac210 - just returned home from hospital: Royal EnR guard at windsor castle
JimmyMac210 - just returned home from hospital: Whitechapel unusual fence next to The Blind Beggar pub
JimmyMac210 - just returned home from hospital: fancy ceiling light in famous Roman Bath building.
JimmyMac210 - just returned home from hospital: ANGER : one of 7 deadly sins.
JimmyMac210 - just returned home from hospital: City of London Academy - Islington
JimmyMac210 - just returned home from hospital: beautiful old architect building on High St in Oxford