sillygwailo: Man in the Mirror
sillygwailo: My finger inside the barrel of a ray gun
sillygwailo: My finger lighting up the glass
sillygwailo: Ray gun, $1,000
sillygwailo: Process and result
sillygwailo: Range at Propellor Design in Strathcona
sillygwailo: Matchsticks art at Propellor Design in Strathcona
sillygwailo: Lighting at Propellor Design
sillygwailo: Art at the entrance of Propellor Design in Strathcona
sillygwailo: Workshop
sillygwailo: Michelle Sirois-Silver Studio
sillygwailo: Vegetable dumbbells
sillygwailo: YEAH
sillygwailo: Alain Boullard
sillygwailo: Parking lot of 1000 Parker during the Eastside Culture Crawl
sillygwailo: Doppelgänger
sillygwailo: Nick Gregson
sillygwailo: Tiny entrance on the side of the Grandview Cavalry Baptist Church