sillyfrog :-): The Waiting Game
sillyfrog :-): The First Color
sillyfrog :-): Bubbles
sillyfrog :-): Yellow-spotted Salamanders
sillyfrog :-): Warmth of the Sun
sillyfrog :-): Wood Frog
sillyfrog :-): Blue-spotted Salamander/Amphibian
sillyfrog :-): Sally Smile
sillyfrog :-): The first Wood Frog
sillyfrog :-): Blue- spotted Salamander
sillyfrog :-): Life Springs Up
sillyfrog :-): Patience
sillyfrog :-): I wonder...
sillyfrog :-): I call him...Napoleon.
sillyfrog :-): I'm cute!
sillyfrog :-): Don't worry, fly happy.
sillyfrog :-): Pretty X 2
sillyfrog :-): Welcome Friend
sillyfrog :-): Frog Prince Himself
sillyfrog :-): Our Old Friend
sillyfrog :-): Lynn's Flower
sillyfrog :-): The Color of Sunshine
sillyfrog :-): Color me Springtime!
sillyfrog :-): Lemony Bright
sillyfrog :-): The Joy of a Child
sillyfrog :-): “The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring.”
sillyfrog :-): Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!" ~Robin Williams
sillyfrog :-): The Lady of the Pond