SilleSix: #500 - Knowledge - RAFFLE Card - Congrats to Zibelline who has won this raffle!
SilleSix: The Vault (open) - Special trade with Carolion!
SilleSix: #501 - The Vault - Special trade with Carolion!
SilleSix: #502 - Captain Jack - Special trade with Carolion!
SilleSix: #503 - I Love Torchwood - Special trade with Carolion!
SilleSix: #504 - So wadda we got? - Special trade with Carolion!
SilleSix: #505 - Poodle's House - Traded to Delonewolf!
SilleSix: #506 - Poodle Friend - Traded to Delonewolf!
SilleSix: #507 - Queen of Spades - On hold for Greengiraffe
SilleSix: #508 - Bubbles - On hold for Sarah
SilleSix: #509 - Kiss me Cupid - On hold for Sarah
SilleSix: #510 - Noah's Pest - Personal Collection
SilleSix: #511 - I Love Dr. Who - RAK for Katie!
SilleSix: #512 - Self Portrait - Traded to Becpet01
SilleSix: #513 - Little Boy Blue - Available
SilleSix: #514 - Happy Birthday Teacher - Traded to Kezmay!
SilleSix: #515 - Plesant Music - Traded to Akalunamoonbeam!
SilleSix: #516 - Kissable Soda Jerk - On hold for Flowerlady56!
SilleSix: #517 - Gentle Hobo - Personal Collection
SilleSix: #518 - Family - Traded to Greengiraffe!
SilleSix: #519 - Go Team - Traded to Beth-Harper!
SilleSix: #520 - Amazing Plumbers - Available
SilleSix: #521 - Puppy Love - Personal Collection
SilleSix: #522 - When I grow up - Traded to Kezmay!
SilleSix: #523 - Summer Afternoon - Traded to Bex
SilleSix: #524 - Motherhood for Dummies - Traded
SilleSix: #525 - Dance Team - Traded to Beth-Harper!
SilleSix: #526 - Big-hearted - Available
SilleSix: #527 - Girl - vs- Boys - Available
SilleSix: #528 - Ma's Medicine - Traded to CardHappy2009