SilkyRaven: Disused station on the Downs Link
SilkyRaven: It was a bit cloudy so the panorama isn't as impressive here as it actually was.
SilkyRaven: Start of day two!
SilkyRaven: Guildford! End of day one.
SilkyRaven: Well, that's certainly one way of securing a sign post
SilkyRaven: This is why we do this! No idea where that was though.
SilkyRaven: Horses lose what??? Enquiring minds must know!
SilkyRaven: Random fairy tree thing
SilkyRaven: Tea in china for elevenes! We're very civilised I hope you know. Or good at finding tea rooms.
SilkyRaven: A view. It was quite nice.
SilkyRaven: A bench. Represents a Bee Orchid apparently
SilkyRaven: Also the start of the North Downs Way. Less attractive from this angle...
SilkyRaven: Start of the North Downs Way!