silkway: shadow puppets
silkway: above us (not) only sky
silkway: bow to the rain
silkway: three times (all good)
silkway: gliding...
silkway: season's greetings...
silkway: feather wish
silkway: misty light
silkway: cast in stones...
silkway: yin & yang (lens flare)
silkway: 色‧戒‧ (lust, caution... too many colors, next i need a b&w)
silkway: autumn already?
silkway: h2o
silkway: what do i look like?
silkway: comic rays
silkway: a dream comes blue...ish
silkway: remember? last year.....
silkway: you can't do that...
silkway: through a glass darkly... or two, or three, or more?
silkway: crane, lotus pond and pagoda - TO JI