Kelly Winstrom: The Big Dipper
Kelly Winstrom: Full Moon
Kelly Winstrom: The Moon
Kelly Winstrom: Crescent Moon
Kelly Winstrom: 3,500 miles away
Kelly Winstrom: Jupiter!
Kelly Winstrom: Jupiter and 2 moons transiting
Kelly Winstrom: The Orion Nebula
Kelly Winstrom: Double Cluster
Kelly Winstrom: Jupiter is missing something
Kelly Winstrom: M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula
Kelly Winstrom: Ladies and Gentlemen, The Moon
Kelly Winstrom: 7 percent
Kelly Winstrom: M11 - The Wild Duck Cluster
Kelly Winstrom: The Wiley and Elusive Crescent Moon
Kelly Winstrom: Tyco and all it's neighbors
Kelly Winstrom: M57 - The Ring Nebula