Josh Beasley: Star trails
Josh Beasley: ISS pass (Mag -1.9)
Josh Beasley: 12/13/11 - Iridium 64 flare
Josh Beasley: 12/11/11 - Iridium 70 satellite flare
Josh Beasley: Brrrrrr.
Josh Beasley: Hope you like sky shots
Josh Beasley: Backyard
Josh Beasley: Clear skies
Josh Beasley: Reasonable orionid photo :)
Josh Beasley: Horrible orionid photo #2
Josh Beasley: Horrible orionid photo
Josh Beasley: A short timelapse of the star trails scene
Josh Beasley: Iridium 67 flare (mag -8.0!)
Josh Beasley: Let there be light!
Josh Beasley: International Space Station -3.4 pass
Josh Beasley: That doesn't look like cheese..
Josh Beasley: 2012 Quadrantid Meteor Shower
Josh Beasley: International Space Station -0.7 pass
Josh Beasley: Phobos Grunt
Josh Beasley: Stars and clouds and cars and...
Josh Beasley: Jupiter and the moon, sittin in a tree
Josh Beasley: January 30th moon at 600mm
Josh Beasley: Moonrise
Josh Beasley: It's a bird! It's a plane!
Josh Beasley: Manmade streaks everywhere!
Josh Beasley: meteor photography
Josh Beasley: Geminid meteor
Josh Beasley: Geminid #2
Josh Beasley: Comet PANSTARRS, 3/13/13
Josh Beasley: Comet PanSTARRS, 3/13/13