teldow: sad boy
teldow: Chris and his take on the day
teldow: good conversation just not with me
teldow: too hot for any human
teldow: phone elbow
teldow: hot buns
teldow: eatery
teldow: watering
teldow: troll, sonic and friends on a london bus
teldow: traffic light plant through the rushes
teldow: me
teldow: dutch rush
teldow: fennel and web
teldow: artisans
teldow: cruising
teldow: chutney
teldow: spray and boat
teldow: rough seas
teldow: lido
teldow: big sky
teldow: slobber
teldow: gallop
teldow: bear dog
teldow: strange little face
teldow: sam smiler
teldow: misty sea
teldow: misty boats
teldow: mist and murk
teldow: hidden boat
teldow: sea dog