gustavosilent: Rockin' in my rockin' chair
gustavosilent: Respiración de la Vida
gustavosilent: Almost Sleeeeping
gustavosilent: Die my darling!
gustavosilent: I know one million ways to always pick the wrong thing to say
gustavosilent: Vanilla Sky
gustavosilent: Little white lies
gustavosilent: Thatz my new toy
gustavosilent: tha | Z
gustavosilent: Merecer la Camiseta!
gustavosilent: The silentz IMORTAL!
gustavosilent: Allento, passion, siempre
gustavosilent: Deixo de ir para trás
gustavosilent: My morning song!
gustavosilent: Stand up beside the fireplace
gustavosilent: Bendito sea el peso de la historia, el respeto ganado
gustavosilent: (It's) another sunny afternoon
gustavosilent: My wintertime love to be
gustavosilent: It's hard to make up your mind sometimes
gustavosilent: Why won't you look me in the eye
gustavosilent: Azul Celeste !
gustavosilent: There's a passion in being alone, a grace in a loveless time
gustavosilent: I live my life for the stars that shine
gustavosilent: The little boy smiled, it'll all be well
gustavosilent: Bendito seas!
gustavosilent: There ain't no other language
gustavosilent: A love that you never gave me
gustavosilent: Now nonsense isn't new to me