silent (e): We're HERE!!!
silent (e): The fake "test" shot
silent (e): Tricked ya. I'm proposing.
silent (e): Yup, I'm a little nervous
silent (e): Yes, it's really happening
silent (e): Opening the box
silent (e): Will you marry me?
silent (e): Yes!!
silent (e): Slipping the ring on
silent (e): Uh oh. Needs some additional help
silent (e): Celebratory smooch
silent (e): More smooching! :)
silent (e): The happy couple
silent (e): Soooo happy
silent (e): Are people applauding over there?
silent (e): The happy couple
silent (e): The bling... I mean ring
silent (e): Recreating the moment
silent (e): Looking at you looking at me
silent (e): What's a "Linl"?
silent (e): Swan swimming in the sky
silent (e): Swan Hotel
silent (e): Buzz and Woody
silent (e): Hollywood Tower Hotel
silent (e): These are the droids you're looking for
silent (e): Good advice
silent (e): 2007-01-11 - hhgttg
silent (e): Behave or else
silent (e): Me as Boba Fett
silent (e): Cathy as Boba Fett