silent (e):
Chester and Teemu in the cage
silent (e):
Chester and Teemu in the cage
silent (e):
Sue and Tavi
silent (e):
silent (e):
Teemu in the cage
silent (e):
Teemu in the cage
silent (e):
Whatcha doin?
silent (e):
Hiding from Noah
silent (e):
Is that kid comin' this way?
silent (e):
Hey, I'm cute
silent (e):
Comfy in her spot on the couch
silent (e):
Callie's ready to go out
silent (e):
He's not coming over here, is he?
silent (e):
Don't I look pretty in this sweater?
silent (e):
Stylin' and profilin'
silent (e):
I'm 72 and I'll sleep where I want to
silent (e):
Sleepy Jasper 2
silent (e):
This doesn't look comfy
silent (e):
Sleepy Jasper loves Mom's shoe
silent (e):
Jasper asleep in a forest of shoes
silent (e):
Jasper asleep in a forest of shoes 2
silent (e):
Sleepy Jasper
silent (e):
Sleepy Jasper
silent (e):
Sleepy Jasper
silent (e):
I will not look at you
silent (e):
silent (e):
Why are you taking a picture of me?
silent (e):
What the heck are you doing?
silent (e):
I am not amused
silent (e):
Comfort is redefined by Jasper