Silcami: Scanned old negatives
Silcami: Scanned old negatives
Silcami: Scanned old negatives
Silcami: Scanned old negatives
Silcami: Scanned old negatives
Silcami: Eldest Sister´s Syndromme. (Scanned old negatives)
Silcami: Scanned old negatives
Silcami: Scanned old negatives
Silcami: Scanned old negatives
Silcami: Scanned old negatives
Silcami: Scanned old negatives - Iquitos, Perú. Raining but still hot
Silcami: Scanned old negatives - Iquitos, Perú
Silcami: Scanned old negatives - Iquitos, Perú
Silcami: Scanned old negatives: Iquitos
Silcami: Scaneed old negatives: Iquitos
Silcami: Scanned old negatives: Iquitos
Silcami: Scanned old negatives: Iquitos
Silcami: Scanned Old negatives. True love lasts for ever.
Silcami: Scanned old negatives
Silcami: Scanned old negatives
Silcami: Scanned old negatives
Silcami: Scanned old negatives
Silcami: First drive after license
Silcami: Lollipop helps
Silcami: IMG_4046
Silcami: Baiona
Silcami: End of the trip. She did it fine
Silcami: Nice new driver ;o)
Silcami: Gachi sleeping
Silcami: Girls kitchen towel-fighting