doug k of sky: From the Upper Inylchek Glacier I
doug k of sky: sundar kharka
doug k of sky: from phusang danda
doug k of sky: sunset from phusang danda
doug k of sky: dusk from sherpani col phedi
doug k of sky: from the mardi himal II
doug k of sky: Morning on Kauma La
doug k of sky: Dawn on Poon Hill II
doug k of sky: dawn from langmale kharka
doug k of sky: from the baltoro glacier
doug k of sky: sunrise in the mardi himal
doug k of sky: dawn from above makalu basecamp
doug k of sky: Sunset from Komsomolskiy Camp
doug k of sky: Dusk on Makalu मकालु (8481m)
doug k of sky: manaslu himalaya from sundar ri
doug k of sky: Pipestone Lake
doug k of sky: machhapuchare & surrounding peaks from namchung ri
doug k of sky: dhaulagiri I & rhododendrons from poon hill
doug k of sky: Sunset in the Upper Inylchek
doug k of sky: sunset in the mardi himal
doug k of sky: kutang himalaya from above sama
doug k of sky: sunset on the baltoro
doug k of sky: makalu मकालु (8481m)
doug k of sky: the view from sama hill
doug k of sky: from the baltoro glacier
doug k of sky: Sunrise on K2 (8611m)
doug k of sky: from the godwin austen glacier
doug k of sky: From the Sheep Desert
doug k of sky: masherbrum and penitentes from the baltoro glacier
doug k of sky: The Cirque of the Towers