Nomad Kris: New Years Fireworks
Nomad Kris: Ooooh
Nomad Kris: Aaaah
Nomad Kris: Big Spider
Nomad Kris: Butterflies born
Nomad Kris: Deflection!
Nomad Kris: Use the force
Nomad Kris: Plasma canon arm
Nomad Kris: digicam 269sm
Nomad Kris: Volley!
Nomad Kris: Take that!
Nomad Kris: Fire fight
Nomad Kris: Getting carried away?
Nomad Kris: Forests of red
Nomad Kris: Phosphorous
Nomad Kris: zoom zoom
Nomad Kris: Run through the Jungle
Nomad Kris: digicam 550sm
Nomad Kris: digicam 552sm
Nomad Kris: Fireswords in the fields