Dracorubio: "Do you believe there is a demimonde, Mr. Chandler? A half world between what we know and what we fear? A place in the shadows, rarely seen, but deeply felt. Do you believe that?"
byMarres: _DSF7610
orvaratli: - Opal -
o palsson: Stuttgart Public Library, Germany
LalliSig: Chris & Jake
fridgeirsson: Elísabet
fridgeirsson: Hrísey
byMarres: Seljavallalaug trip
byMarres: Seljavallalaug
fridgeirsson: Fixing a hole
byMarres: Lisan
skarpi - www.skarpi.is: After the Storm
siggi geirs: The old and the new
Dracorubio: Sarah
Palmi Snaer: Westfjords
atliegilsson: Mjóeyri framundan
~JÓNA~: Today Has Been Okay.
~JÓNA~: The icelandic horse
Guðjón Ottó: Northern Lights
Baxter_Man: Building45
Baxter_Man: SeattleAtNight2014
lightpainter moselle: Aliens in eastern France.. no photoshop