Sigs66: Aro Valley
Sigs66: Wellington at dusk
Sigs66: Wellington - The City
Sigs66: Dina
Sigs66: Dina
Sigs66: A cool dog in summer
Sigs66: Dasha & Sasha at Puskin
Sigs66: Three friends at Istra
Sigs66: The New Cathedral
Sigs66: Metro Station on the River
Sigs66: St Basil's Cathedral
Sigs66: Another beautiful Russian Cathedral
Sigs66: Newspaper Office
Sigs66: Tatiana
Sigs66: Groundhog bikes admire the flying bird
Sigs66: Big Wave
Sigs66: Sun & Sea spray
Sigs66: Civic Square Panorama
Sigs66: Flickr-ites in Moscow
Sigs66: Coffee in Wellington
Sigs66: Stained glass, books, paintings and more....