Signal Corps Archive: SC 195513 - Pfc. Archie Torten "gets the message thru" with a walkie-talkie which he operates from the side of a house on the outskirts of a French town.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195516 - Pfc. Fred A. Burns, 4405 Sullivan Avenue, St. Bernard, Ohio, of the 36th Division, is shown with a German "bazooka" which he captured during fighting in a town in France, along with five Germans.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329429 - Red Cross workers Nila Nevi, San Francisco, Calif., and Marge Busby, Claremont, Calif. ladeling out lemonade to Pvt. Fred Johnson, Russelville, Ala., who is among the soldiers loading for a future operation.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329794 - Soldiers with their mess cups line up at the American Red Cross clubmobile for coffee and doughnuts at the 71st Infantry Regiment, 44th Division, XV Corps, 7th Army front. Achen area, France.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329816 - Infantrymen with 44th Division, loaded in trucks, leave Imst, Austria, in the Tyrolian Alps, going on pass to one of the several pass centers in France. 1 June, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 199075 - Nazi soldiers are shown carrying their wounded on litters from the French village of Wingen after Yanks seized it from German mountain fighters who infiltrated through our lines.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 199076 - Houses in the French village of Wingen are shelled by U.S. tanks in the action that took the town the second time from the Nazis.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270638 - Long lines of Seventh Army infantrymen, partially concealed by smoke screen, move forward to assault boats to cross the Rhine.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405036 - Pvt. Troy Patrick, Salyersville, Ky., takes time out to show some liberated Russians the news of the "Soviets in Berlin" in a copy of the Stars and Stripes.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270642 - 7th U.S. Army infantrymen advance up hill towards Wetzhausen, Germany, while tanks wait to move up with other troops. 9 April, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270655 - Infantrymen file along the electric railway line as they enter the outskirts of Munich, Germany. 30 April, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270651 - Infantrymen dug in along bank of autobahn, holding the point important to the troops.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270652 - Infantrymen of the 3rd Div., first American troops to enter the city of Munich, move along tall france below large sign board as their T.D. support moves up the street. 30 April, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270653 - Infantry of 3rd Div., first American troops in the city of Munich, move through damaged Munich railroad yards in search of Germans hiding in dugouts all through the yards and sniping at infantrymen as they pass.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270649 - Infantrymen move across open field toward burning town, one of the little strong points on road to Munich, softened up for the infantrymen by mortar fire, while in the foreground are other infantrymen covering the advancing elements.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270648 - Two infantrymen in foreground in foxhole and lying along bank, support the forward elements in the distance as they move into small burning town, a strongpoint on the march to Munich.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270645 - A concentration of machine gun, artillery air bursts and mortar fire forces these Yank infantrymen to dig in behind a railroad bank as they are temporarily halted.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270656 - These infantrymen spread out, giving the enemy a poor target as they cross the electric railway line on the outskirts of Munich. 30 April, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270647 - Infantrymen move through small archway in buildings filled with rubble. They are clearing out of the tunnels and cellars of the houses in the center of town.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270654 - The German civilian on the left of the road walks into the city with three infantrymen, giving directions and what information he can. 30 April, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270646 - Infantrymen of "G" Co., 7th Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division, 7th U.S. Army, take cover behind a wall as they move on to the Old City of Nuremburg.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270643 - Seventh Army riflemen take cover from heavy machine gun fire behind shed at street corner in bitterly-defended Nuremburg, famous Nazi shrine and German industrial center.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270641 - 7th U.S. Army infantrymen carrying machine guns and other weapons advance on Wetzhausen, Germany. 9 April, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270644 - Infantryman fires his M1 down the steps into the cellar of a building in Nuremburg to route out Germans reported to be hiding there.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270639 - Elements of 7th Inf. Regt. leave Gemunden after having taken part in assault on town yesterday. 6 April, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270640 - 7th U.S. Army armor and infantry move to attack the town of Wetzhausen, Germany. 9 April, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270636 - Rhine Crossing: Seventh Army mortar squad runs for river bank through heavy protective smoke screen, to assault boats which will take them across the Rhine.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270637 - Rhine Crossing: Two Yank machine gunners hit a ditch on East Bank of Rhine as enemy artillery shell comes in.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 271400 - Members of Company E, 324th Regiment, 44th Division, who are temporarily supporting a French Armored Division, march through the Strasbourg area of France. 24 November, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 271399 - Troops of the 44th Division await truck transportation after unloading at a station in Northern France. They are on their way to the front.