Signal Corps Archive: SC 405023 - Four Russian women forced to accompany German troops for washing and cooking duties from the Eastern Front, indicate their pleasure at being freed again with a salute.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405046 - 1,500 Russian displaced nationals were taken from the D.P. center, Caserne De Cavalerie in Charleroi, Belgium, and sent by train to Russian territory.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405049 - 1500 Russian displaced nationals were taken from the D.P. center, Caserne De Cavalerie in Charleroi, Belgium, and sent by train to Russian territory in Germany. 12 August, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405008 - Russian tailors use German equipment in a camp for liberated Russians at Rennes, France, to make all their own clothes with the exception of U.S. Army fatigues which the Army gives them.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405011 - Soldiers of Civil Affairs Regiment load Russian refugees onto a train at a railroad station in Hayange, France.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405025 - Lt. Arnold Samuelson, Tacoma, Washington, Combat Photographic Officer attached to the 1st U.S. Army, gives food to hungry Russian slave laborers, who were liberated when elements of the 9th Armored Division took Limburg, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405024 - Sgt. Julie Moses, Bronx, New York, N.Y., right, talks with two former Russian slave laborers in Wetzlar, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405032 - Children of the Soviet Union whose parents were captured by the Germans and made to work in one of the German aircraft and rubber tire plants at Sanbach Odenwald, Germany, are shown playing a game.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405033 - Russian children watch the May Day celebration at the displaced persons camp at Hamm, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405036 - Pvt. Troy Patrick, Salyersville, Ky., takes time out to show some liberated Russians the news of the "Soviets in Berlin" in a copy of the Stars and Stripes.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405034 - Russian children at the displaced persons camp at Baumholder, Germany, celebrate May Day. For some, it is the first they have ever seen. 1 May, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405004 - American soldiers in France joke with 21 year-old Sonya Kalinina, a Russian war refugee and one of the many liberated by U.S. forces from German slave labor.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405042 - A public relations worker interviews a Russian woman at a displaced persons camp somewhere in Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 404992 - Scene in a kitchen of a typical Russian family. These people are among the many who have been recently liberated by rapid Allied advances at the newly established Displaced Persons Center at Briey, France.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405003 - Russian war refugees, having been liberated from slave labor in Germany by the U.S. Army, walk to the train platform from which they will be taken to a Displaced Persons camp in the interior of France.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 404993 - A small girl with her dolls stands with Russian women members of a Displaced Person's Camp in France, as the United States Band, which entertained them at their camp, plays for them their new Russian national anthem...
Signal Corps Archive: SC 404944 - T/Sgt. Wm. F. Lamb, coronet player in the U.S. Army Band holds a Russian baby while watching demonstration by members of displaced person's camp in France, who entertained band members following concert given by the band.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 404991 - A Russian mother, Mrs. Nadiegdo, and her two daughters, among refugees in Luxembourg waiting to be returned to their native land.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 404988 - Russian refugees taken from German-held territory are housed at Geserne Major Cogniau Barracks, in charge of U.S. Civil Affairs Unit. 23 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405204 - A Russian refugee who yesterday saved a wounded tankman of the 10th Armored Division, by dragging him from a burning tank and remaining with him until medics arrived.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405043 - Russian boy is adopted by Co F., 175th Infantry, 29th Infantry Division, Ninth U.S. Army as their mascot.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405016 - Pfc. Alfred George, Brooklyn, N.Y., makes friends with little Ukrainian girl by offering her candy in Duren.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335337 - Street activities within Displaced Persons Camp. Heidelberg, Germany. 26 April, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405017 - T/Sgt. Ralph Hagmann, 5137 Warren Ave., Norwood, Ohio, with a quartermaster company, 66th Infantry Division, helps "Shorty", a Russian liberated from a German labor labor camp...
Signal Corps Archive: SC 199010-SA - Refugees wait at a cross road for the go-ahead signal from the M.P.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 199113 - Russian war refugees, having been liberated from German forced labor by the U.S. Army, prepare to board train which will take them to a misplaced persons camp in the interior of France. Chalons, France. 10 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 199062-S - Young French woman with two children and belongings loaded on a baby carriage shown in Hagenau, France, before they started on long trek to safe rear area.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405005 - At a displaced persons center in a Belgian city, liberated Russians who had been enslaved by the Germans await assignment to beds in their new billet. 6 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195523 - Polish civilians, formerly used as slave labor by the Nazis in Belgium, get aboard a truck at the St. Clair Displacement Center at Narviers, Belgium, which will take them to a camp where they will receive food, shelter, clothing...
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195541 - Entrance to the camp where Russian refugees, released from Nazi yoke in Luxembourg, await return to Russia. 1 October, 1944.