Signal Corps Archive: SC 171692 - First Island Command, New Caledonia. Casualty from the Solomon Islands talk cheerfully with sailor as he is brought in by Higgins Boat to the docks at Noumea, New Caledonia, where he will be placed in a hospital.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171698 - First Island Command, New Caledonia. Injured from Solomon Islands, soldiers of the U.S. Army, are loaded into ambulance peeps as they are hurried to hospitals in New Caledonia.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364412 - Native Melanesian of New Caledonia, wearing the uniform of a French sailor, stands guard before French Navy Hq. in Noumea, largest town in New Caledonia.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171592-R - Jap prisoners leaving temporary encampment for permanent prison camp just completed. First Island Command. 7 January, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374646 - First prize by popular vote in the Art Exhibit sponsored by the Red Cross and held in the American Red Cross Service Club in Noumea, New Caledonia, was this portrait in oil by Cpl. Charles C. Munne, U.S. Army.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171602 - First Island Command, New Caledonia. P-39 P-5 photo ship crashed into by Moth while it was landing in an airfield in New Guinea. 4 January, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364394 - One of the most successful respected pioneers on the island.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364578 - Lt. George Reed, Chicago, Ill., instructing Pvt. Donald J. Bartosh, Jackson, Minn., in the proper method of firing from behind a tree, during class on Cover and Concealment.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171639 - First Island Command, New Caledonia. Ambulatory patients wounded in action in the Solomon Islands are brought to New Caledonia. Most of these are injured soldiers.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171604 - First Island Command, New Caledonia. P-39 P-5 photo ship crashed with the Moth while landing at an airfield in New Caledonia. 4 January, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171605 - First Island Command, New Caledonia. P-39 P-5 photo ship which was crashed into by Moth while landing at airfield. 4 January, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171605 - First Island Command, New Caledonia. P-39 P-5 photo ship crashed with the Moth while landing at an airfield in New Caledonia. 4 January, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171693 - First Island Command, New Caledonia. Checking names of Army casualties just returned from the Solomon Islands is Pfc. George R. Sister of Irwin, Penn. 23 January, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364422 - The first Army Personnel to be sworn in as American Citizens in the South Pacific Area.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171607 - First Island Command, New Caledonia. P-39 P-5 photo ship which was crashed into by Moth while landing at airfield. 4 January, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171601-R - Overall view of part of new prison camp for Japanese prisoners as new prisoners move in. First Island Command, New Caledonia. 7 January, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171694 - First Island Command, New Caledonia. Pfc. R. J. Tice, 2nd Marines, with both legs blown off by mortar fire smiles cheerfully at Chief Petty Officer R. E. Hughes, medical unit, as he is landed at New Caledonia...
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171606 - First Island Command, New Caledonia. P-39 P-5 photo ship crashed with the Moth while landing at an airfield in New Caledonia. 4 January, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171695 - First Island Command, New Caledonia. Wounded waiting to be transferred to hospitals, munch candy bars on the docks after being unloaded from Higgins Boats following their trip from the Solomon Islands.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171600 First Island Command, New Caledonia. Warehouse used to house Jap prisoners while permanent camp was being built. 7 January, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171597-R - First Island Command, New Caledonia. Four Japanese prisoners prepare to pitch a pyramidal tent in their new stockade. Barbed wire fence can be seen in the background. 7 January, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171599 - Japanese prisoners new stockades built for them after having lived for a short time in temporary shelter.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171598-R - First Island Command, New Caledonia. Studiously avoiding looking at the camera, Japanese prisoners line up before entering their new stockades specially built which they were being temporarily housed in.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171596-R - First Island Command, New Caledonia. Jap prisoners arrive at their new prison camp which has just been completed.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171593 - First island Command, New Caledonia. Japanese prisoners make their beds in new prison camp recent built. 7 January, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171594-R - First Island Command, New Caledonia. 2nd Lt. Russell F. Kiloran, 244th Coast Artillery, directs moving of Japanese prisoners into their new quarters at a recently completed prison camp.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171595-R - First Island Command, New Caledonia. Japanese prisoners moving their bedding into tents at their new camp just completed. 7 January, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171591-R - First Island Command, New Caledonia. Jap prisoners receive their cot, mosquito netting and three blankets at new prison camp where they will live in tents after having been housed temporarily in a warehouse. 7 January, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171590 - First Island Command, New Caledonia. Jap prisoners enter new prison camp built for them while they were being temporarily housed in a warehouse. 7 January, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329693 - Troops of Co. A, 182nd Infantry, embarking on a naval transport at the Grand Quay docks, Noumea, New Caledonia. 2 November, 1942.