Signal Corps Archive: SC 190534 - Motion picture editors, T/5 Rickey S. Daniels, 19118125, Sig C, of Los Angeles, Calif. And T/3 Malcolm C. Bulloch, 19117967...
Signal Corps Archive: SC 190538 - Editorial Room, New Lab Bldg., 4th Sig Photo Lab Unit, APO 502.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 190537 - Progress, Construction, New Lab Bldg. 4th Sig. Photo Lab Unit, APO 502. 4 July 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 190536 - Negative assemblers T/5 William Robertson, 19121160, Sig C, of Los Angeles, Ca., and T/5 Robert Christensen, 17069147, Sig C, of Ogden, Iowa, preparing developed negatives for printing.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 190535 - No caption.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337216 - Signal Corps cameraman S/Sgt. Raymond Graham, Los Angeles, Calif., carries his motion picture newsreel camera toward Holstheim, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337217 - Sgt. Joseph N. Gray, of 756 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, California, a member of the 167th Signal Photo Company, spots a sign in an Army bivouac area, which reads "Los Angeles, California, City Limits."
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364335 - American sailors from Cherbourg went along for the ride when the 66th Inf. Division entered Lorient, France, following the surrender of the 28,000-man German garrison.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 196781 - 1st Lt. Donald E. Mittelstaedt of Missoula, Montana, is officer in charge of a combat assignment photo unit, of the 161st Signal Photo Co., on New Britain.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337385 - (409th Task Force photo series) Here, machine gun mounted on jeep, chatters away at enemy positions on the mountains. Man at left with glasses directs fire. 1 May, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 190502 - Members of a Signal Corps Photographic Combat Unit, one of the first to cross on D-Day to cover the beach landings, get together for a last-minute chat. June 24th, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 204286 - Sgt. Beaumont L. Mood, Ft. Worth, Tex., still on the job as an Army combat photographer after receiving slight scalp wound from mortar fire, prepares to return to the front lines. Okinawa.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 205515-S - Okinawans see many unfamiliar things, brought in by American troops, which arouse their curiousity. This native youngster stares in fascination at the camera of T/5 Ed Cummiskey, in the town of Shimobaru.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 190630 - Members of a Signal Corps unit seal off a commercial cable line between two French towns. The seal is only temporary, until wire is brought up for a permanent splice. St. Lo. 19 June, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337213 - Signalmen of the 17th Airborne Division are laying wire through the town of Marnach, Luxembourg, to an artillery observation post.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337210 - Two linemen of the 101st Infantry Regt., 26th Division, check vital communication wires.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 196556 - In Kornelimünster, Germany, Cpl. Lae Zwick, Canton, Ohio, U.S. Army Signal Corps photographer, opens some of the Christmas packages he received from home. 22 November, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335256 - A wireman of the 8th Division, 1st U.S. Army, ties communication wire to a signpost the edge of the newly taken town of Hermulheim, Germany. 7 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334972 - Infantrymen moving through Hurtgen Forest near Vossenack, Germany. 2 November, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 190466 - Sig. Corps men string wire establishing communications in Trevieres, France, after the town was occupied by American troops. 17 June, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 170098 - French commercial switchboard located on the front of a "Peep" for rapid moving.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171620 - Chaplain (Col.) M.S. Chatalgood, Galveston, Texas, saying Mass on Easter Sunday for Headquarters Company, 33rd Signal Battalion. Tunisia, North Africa. 25 March, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171523 - At the forward Division Command Post the Signal Corps established and maintains communications. Attu, Aleutians. 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171746 - Third Army Louisiana Maneuvers.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184877 - Pictured are T/5 Leo M. Churan and Pfc. Lawrence J. Supp, both of the Signal Section 1855th Unit for the purpose of showing how photographers work under combat conditions. 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184726 - Pvt. Frank M. Mis, Beacon Falls, Conn., at 45th Div. Command Post, takes instruction on attaching capsule containing message to pigeon's leg from Pfc. John A. Oeverso, Solvay, New York, serving with 6681 Signal Pigeon Company.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171747 - Third Army Louisiana Maneuvers.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184710 - Pfc. John A. Oeverso, Solvay, New York, carries pigeon carrier cage up trail for delivery to outfit which has requested birds. Pozzilli Sector, Italy. 18 December, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 151525 - Cpl. Edward Walker, Cpl. Woodrow Clark, and Capt. J. L. Davis are clearing the right of way. Hawaii.
Signal Corps Archive: C-769 - Crouching on 16-inch gun shells used in the coastal defense guns at Viareggo, Italy, is Cpl. Marshall Bull, 24, of Oneonta, New York, a still picture photographer with the 196th Signal Photo Company.