Signal Corps Archive: SC 329821 - The .50 cal. machine gun and crew of the 90th Coastal Artillery are temporarily stationed at Oujda, North Africa, near U.S. Fifth Army headquarters upon the request of the Sultan of Morocco for his protection during his visit there.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329859 - Helmeted WACs march down the gangplank of transport that has brought them to North African port. Army trucks wait to take them to a nearby transit camp. 10 January, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171626 - The grave of an Italian soldier.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171637 - American infantry soldiers tell of their exciting experience aboard an Italian freighter in which they were held, waiting to set sail for Italy.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171638 - American infantry soldiers tell of their exciting experiences aboard an Italian freighter in which they were held, waiting to set sail for Italy.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171608 - Bonanno, an Italian prisoner with quite a history.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171629 - Aerial view of German prisoner of war camp 4 miles west of Mateur, North Africa.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171734 - A joyous father helped his small daughter onto a British armored car, while the young girl stood to salute Allied Armies as they entered Tunis, North Africa. 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171636 - Russian prisoners that were being used by the Germans to dig gun emplacements. Tunisia, North Africa. 8 May, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171639 - Tunis civilians give the "V" sign as American soldiers come into the town in G.I. trucks.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171735 - Tunisian bystanders, at the historic occasion of the Allied entry into the captured seaport, applaud as motorcycle troops roll past. 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171733 - Tunis townsfolk pour out along the highway to greet their deliverers. 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171563 - French soldiers shown operating #284 radio in U.S. Army M1 Scout Car, to show the French how to operate American Military Equipment. Near Algiers, North Africa. 9 February, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171565 - American officer teaches French to use radio net #284 in U.S. Army M1 Scout Car. Near Algiers, North Africa. 9 February, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171647 - Lt. Gen. George Patton, commander of II Army Corps, in half-track personally directing toward Gabes, Tunisia, and and south of [illegible], Tunisia. 30 March, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171643 - Town of Mateur, Tunisia being occupied by American soldiers after the German Army hastily retreated. 8 May, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171630 - Aerial view of German Prisoner of War camp, 4 miles west of Mateur, Tunisia, North Africa.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171624 - Unloading German prisoners arriving at one of the P.O.W. camps in Mateur, Tunisia, North Africa. 10 May, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171618 - Italian soldiers that were taken prisoner as the Allied Armies broke the back of the Axis troops in the whole of North Africa. 9 May, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171619 - Pfc. Fred V. Key, Towncreek, Ala., and Glenn E. Cox, Tampa, Fla., in a German entrenchment overlooking the valley which until this morning was not safe for American troops. 7 May, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171617 - German prisoners arriving at one of the prison camps. Tunisia, North Africa. 8 May, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171660 - U.S. officers inspecting a Heinkel plane after capture of African airport. Algiers, North Africa. 10 November, 1942.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171659 - An American Army Nurse receives patient at one of the hospitals in Algiers, North Africa. 1 May, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171568 - American soldiers teach the French the use of BD-72 common battery switchboard. In background an M1 Scout Car with transmitter. Near Algiers, North Africa. 9 February, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171655 - The track of a German Mark VI tank in comparison to a man's foot. Beja, Tunisia. 23 April, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171654 - Medium shot of the turret, gun and 88mm shell of a German Mark VI tank. Beja, Tunisia. 23 April, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171656 - 16 bogie wheels on a German Mark VI tank. Beja, Tunisia. 23 April, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171649 - A German Mark VI tank that was knocked out by Hurricane Bombers. Beja, Tunisia. 23 April, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171567 - American soldiers teach French Army officers and man the use of American military equipment. A BD-72 Field Switchboard in operation near Algiers, North Africa. 9 February, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171566 - French officers operating SCR-284 radio with hand crank generator.