Signal Corps Archive: SC 337257 - Men hauling guns up the slopes of Lily Beach. Kiska. 16 August, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334877 - Col. Pascoe, and the men of the A.T.F. 9 Ordnance Section. 26 January, 1944. Kiska.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374834 - Men packing infantry pack in preparation for traveling.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405107 - The first step in the making of a batch of bread, the weighing out of the ingredients, is done by T/4 Clarence Benson of the 272nd QM Bakery on Kiska. 14 January, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 170368-B - Occupation of Amchitka by U.S. Army Task Forces.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 170374-B - Occupation of Amchitka by U.S. Army task forces.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 170369-S - Occupation of Amchitka by U.S. Army Task Forces.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 170367-B - Occupation of Amchitka by U.S. Army Task Forces.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 170370-B - Occupation of Amchitka by U.S. Army Task Forces.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 170371-B - Occupation of Amchitka by U.S. Army Task Forces.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 170376-B - Occupation of Amchitka by U.S. Army Task Forces.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171519 - From the shiphold a huge tonnage of ammunition is hoisted to be used for blasting the Japs from their island stronghold. Attu, Aleutians. 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171520 - First wave of assault groping its way shore through a curtain of enveloping fog. Attu, Aleutians. 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171526 - Yanks land on Attu.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171523 - At the forward Division Command Post the Signal Corps established and maintains communications. Attu, Aleutians. 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171525 - First American flag to fly over Attu, Aleutians.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171524 - After supply trucks had bogged down in the coastal mud the tractors found that the hard bed of this stream afforded good traction. Attu, Aleutians. 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171521 - Signal Corps radio crew on transport maintaining contact with first wave as it lands on Attu, Aleutians. 11 May, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171522 - Over the side and into the landing boats go the men of the landing party - Attu bound. 11 May, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171527 - Yank infantry advances toward the rocky ridge where the Japs established their defence positions. Attu, Aleutians. 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: C-801 - Adak Island, Aleutians. Capt. Morgan A. Griffin San Antonio, Texas. C.O. of a fighter squadron in the Aleutians.
Signal Corps Archive: C-880 - Guns are kept clean and well-oiled on the island. Here three men sit in front of their tent and give their firearms a cleaning inspection. Aleutians.
Signal Corps Archive: C-882 - Lt. Frederick Moore Jr. of Charlotte, N.C., who was awarded the Air Medal. Aleutians.
Signal Corps Archive: C-878 - Maintenance crew repair a P-39 on an airfield in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska.
Signal Corps Archive: C-915 - Showing the front view of a P-51 with two pilots repairing the top of the plane. Alaska.
Signal Corps Archive: C-811 - Adak Island, Aleutians. P-40 shown landing at Longview Field, Adak.
Signal Corps Archive: C-842 - The airport control tower is located in this junked B-24. The control man stands in the space once occupied by the top gun turret. Alaska.
Signal Corps Archive: C-846 - American military personnel encase a new shipment of extra gas tanks used by P-39s to give them further flying range.
Signal Corps Archive: C-804 - Adak Island, Aleutians. View of repairs on P-38 in a revetment. 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: C-912 - Sgt. Clark E. Hillard of Minturn, Colorado, carries metal link ammunition to reload .50 calibre guns on this B-25. Alaska. 1944.