Signal Corps Archive: SC 334887 - Members of Hq Btry., 6th F.A., who represent the South on Bougainville in this outfit.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334888 - Members of the 140th F.A. Bn., 37th Div. on Bougainville, from Cleveland, Ohio.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334862 - Some of the members of the enlisted personnel of the Penninsular Base Section Remount Station Q-572.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334902 - These men of the 823rd Tank Destroyer Battalion are responsible for knocking out four attacking King Tiger German tanks.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334856 - Personnel of the 32nd Station Hospital shown are: L to R, (front row)
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334922 - En route from Kunming, China, to Kai Yuan, China, in the Petrified Forest area. 13 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334899 - American soldiers holding classes in the former swimming pool used by King Charles I. 4 June, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334913 - MP detachment that took part in the Army Day ceremonies that were held at Ft. Ehrenbreitstein, Coblenz, Germany. The men are of the 28th Division, First U.S. Army.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335376 - Seven Texas men, members of the 96th Infantry Division's 763rd Tank Bn., who participated in the Battle of Okinawa, review some of the tactics they used to help defeat the Japanese.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335373 - Enlisted men and officers of ISCOM Signal Section. Okinawa. 1 May, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334910 - Some of New Jersey's contribution to the war.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335372 - These five 96th Div. Texans are considered "aces" by their buddies in Co. I, 383rd Inf. Regt., an ace being anyone who has killed five or more Japs.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337271 - The crew of the Ninth U.S. Army Sherman tank who escaped injury though their vehicle was hit by four German 88 shells in action during the capture of Hottorf, near Erkelenz, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334912 - W.P.G. Lt. James Scoggins sits outside the cellar of the battalion switchboard on a wire spool in the front line town of Rimling, France, talking over communications problems and other duties of combat infantrymen with Lt. Robert Altier...
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334908 - These First U.S. Army infantrymen, known as "Grover's Ghosts", are a combat patrol of the 121st Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334901 - These six infantrymen and six medics are all from Pennsylvania.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 336798 - Four infantrymen of Company F, 413th Regiment, 104th Division, First U.S. Army, pose with a captured German 81mm mortar that they used to knock out a German 85mm gun near Duren, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334915 - Yanks in Landeck, Austria, wave their rifles and helmets with joy as they heard 19th German Army surrendered today.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337278 - Mail call for the 70th Division infantrymen who fought to retake the French town of Wingen after the Nazi counter attack gained control of the town.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334903 - On 19 December 1944, 118 men of the 79th Infantry Division, 313th Infantry Regiment, Company C, attacked enemy positions in the Bien Woods.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334885 - Men of B Btry., 163rd AAA Bn., grouped around the barrel of their 90mm AA gun named "Tojo Special".
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334554 - Lt. Ralph C. Blow, of Company K, 8th Infantry Regiment, Fort Ord, California, is shown giving two new Army trainees, Rct. Theodore M. Hudson and Rct. Glenn E. Fisher their first lesson on the basic infantry weapons.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374885 - Typical day of the many soldiers in Korea who observed Father's Day without ever having seen their offspring are these five men of the 25th U.S. Inf. Div., who get together to compare snaps of their youngsters.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335400 - Soldiers of the U.S. First Army greet patrol of U.S. Third Army in the front-lines town of La Roche, Belgium, where men of the two American armies met for the first time on January 14th.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335402 - Battalion staff awaits return of a twenty-five man patrol from across the Roer River.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 196154 - Capt. Robert S. Marcus, Jewish Chaplain, conducts outdoor services at the Siegfried Line, in Germany. 3 November, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 151506 - A soldier is shown discussing the operational method to be used by the Air Support Command during the problems in Hawaii.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335401 - Two patrols, one from the 84th Infantry Division, First U.S. Army, and the other from the 11th Armored Division, Third U.S. Army, meet at a prearranged rendezvous on the Liourthe river closing the Bulge in Belgium.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335396 - Soldiers of the 24th Engineers, 4th Armored Division, practice Christmas carols during a rest period at Fenetrange, France.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335393 - View of Lt. Gen. George S. Patton's 7th Army staff. Aboard S.S. Monrovia, enroute to Sicily.