Signal Corps Archive: SC 201586-S - Pvt. Robert E. Hammond, Osceola Mills, Pa., directs artillery fire on Modrath, Germany, in support of an infantry regiment's drive to take the town.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201703-S- Pfc. Herbert Aach, 110 Bennett Ave., New York City, a member of a military government detachment, directs over-aged persons to their proper group during preliminary screening of the male population of the city of Krefeld, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201702-S - French soldiers held as prisoners of war in Juchen, Germany, by the Nazis, now await transportation back to their own country after being freed by U.S. Ninth Army troops. 5 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201705 - "Something for the folks back home" - Pvt. Ralph Hein, Henderson, Texas, poses in front of this windmill in Heijthuizen, Holland, for Pvt. Richardson, Russellville, Little Rock, Ark. 27 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201692 - Life-giving blood plasma is given to infantryman wounded on patrol as he is brought from aid station of 103rd Division of 7th U.S. Army to hospital in rear for further treatment.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201691 - Medics carry a wounded infantryman into aid station of 103rd Division of 7th U.S. Army near Obermodern, France. Man was wounded by anti-personnel mine while on patrol. 27 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201690 - Infantrymen preparing to move on Soller, Germany, rest amid brush and foxholes until the artillery barrage ceases. 27 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201689 - A long double-file line of German prisoners are marched through a cracked street in Erkelenz, Germany. Note the wounded prisoner being pushed in a cart at the right. 27 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201688 - On the alert for enemy snipers, infantrymen of the U.S. Ninth Army patrol the streets of Erkelenz, Germany, picking their way through the rubble. 27 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201686 - Soldiers of the U.S. Ninth Army look through the ruins of a shelled church in Erkelenz, Germany. Note the crucifix still suspended from the beams of the transept.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201685 - Infantrymen of the 1st Allied Airborne Army are briefed at the marshalling area prior to taking off for the Rhine crossing and Wesel landing. Mourmelon, France. 23 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201684 - A U.S. Ninth Army MP guards four German prisoners of war as they carry one of their wounded through the streets of Erkelenz, Germany, to a medical station. Note the rubble beside the road which has been cleared for use. 27 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201710 - Before advancing across the Prum River, medium tanks of the 6th Armored Division, U.S. Third Army, prepare for a rendezvous outside Kopscheid, Germany. 28 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201708 - Three German civilians are evacuated from their homes in Bosheim. As the U.S. Ninth Army advances, civilians are removed to safe areas behind the lines. 1 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201711 - This Nazi 2nd Lieutenant was captured by the 6th Armored Division, U.S. Third Army, near the Prum River, Germany. Lichtenborn, Germany. 28 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201709 - German prisoners and their American guard crouch behind an American tank destroyer for protection against a barrage of German SP guns and "Screaming Meemies."
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201683 - Infantrymen of 4th Armored Division, 3rd U.S. Army, pass burning German halftrack as they advance along forest road near the Rhine River, Germany. 7 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201682 - A long line of German prisoner, captured near Rheindahlen, Germany, are brought into the town by American troops of the U.S. Ninth Army. 27 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201681 - A U.S. First Army jeep rolls past burning buildings in Merzenich, Germany. 28 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201680 - Medics of 35th Division, U.S. Ninth Army, carry a casualty back through heavily mined fields in Germany. Hilfarth, Germany. 26 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201679 - Over roads that are still mined by the enemy, American infantrymen move through the ruins of Hilfarth, Germany. 26 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201677 - Nazi cyclist lies dead near his vehicle after surprise night attack by battalion of the 104th Division, 1st U.S. Army, on Morschenich, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201678 - This wire cart and telephone equipment was captured from the Germans in Morschenich, Germany, during a surprise attack by 104th Division, U.S. First Army.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201676 - A half-track of a tank destroyer unit of the 104th Infantry Division, U.S. First Army, moves up to engage the enemy in the wrecked and burning town of Merzenich, Germany. 26 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201671 - With the gun crew riding on top, a tank destroyer chassis tows a huge Seventh Army 8-inch rifle through a French town, on the way to the front. 26 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201670 - Maj. Gen. Anthony C. McAuliffe pins on his second star as commanding general of the 103rd Div., U.S. Seventh Army. 14 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201669 - Chaplain John T. Fournie, Ill., hears confession of Pvt. John T. Barry, Bronx, N.Y., Seventh Army artilleryman, after Catholic services were held in Auersmacher, Germany. 25 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201668 - Men of the 1st and 3rd Battalions, U.S. Seventh Army, kneel in prayer, as the first Catholic service is conducted in a partially ruined church in Auersmacher, Germany. 25 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201667 - Clouds of black smoke pour from a German oil refinery in Wehrden, Germany, after an attack by American P-47 planes turned it into a roaring holocaust. 25 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201665 - Men and vehicles of the 333rd and 335th Inf. regiments, elements of the 84th Inf. Div., U.S. Ninth Army; also, the 771st Arm'd Bn., wait, poised to move forward immediately as the Ninth Army drive gains momentum...