Signal Corps Archive: SC 374839 - L/Cpl. Jacob Feinbuch, once of Essen, Germany, and now from Palestine, prepares his sniper rifle for action. 24 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374843 - Infantrymen of the Jewish brigade move up to the line. 28 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 196157 - American 7th Armd. Div., and British 15th Scottish Div. troops fighting, working and playing together, combine operations and give sweets to small Dutch Children, in [illegible], Holland.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 196156 - American 7th Arm'd Div., and British 15th Scottish Div., fight, work and play together in Holland.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 196142-S - These South African troops in Italy have built this road out of 105mm shell cases, in order to pull their 40mm Bofors over it and into position to fire on the enemy.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 196078 - Pack mule train of 26th Indian Mule Co. with British 13th Corps, moving through town of Marradi.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 196077 - Pack train of 2nd Indian Mule Co., Royal Indian Service Corps, which helped supply British 1st Div.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 151737 - The personnel of the Landing Craft Maintenance and Supply Depot, which is controlled by American-British combined operations, consists of U.S. Army men, Royal Navy men and Wrens.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364553 - Barge carrying an Australian 25 pounder mounted on coconut logs.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 196155 - US Army Pvt. Harry U. Cremer of Minonk, Ill., American 7th Arm'd. Div., helps a British soldier, Lance Bombardier Harry Frost of London, England, British Scottish 16th Div., at Someren, Holland.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364413 - Native Police boys, driven out of Salamaua by the Japs occupation, return to assist at ceremonies of returning to its masthead the Union Jack, which formerly flew over Salamaua.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374844 - A platoon leader in the 3rd Bn. of the Jewish Brigade: Lt. Max Weiner, originally from Dresden, Germany, and now from Palestine. Joined the Brigade 1941.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374845 - Pvt. Gabriel Abu-Said, one of the very few Samaratan Jews in Palestine, is a seasoned campaigner.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364851 - The rabbi of the Jewish Inf. Brigade visits the aid station and distributes newspapers. 30 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374807 - A patrol from the Wiltshire Regt., British X Corps, tries to draw fire from a German MG nest. 13 January, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374848 - At an aid station, L/Cpl. Aryeh Uri, from Jerusalem, Palestine, a squad leader in the Jewish Inf. Brigade, eats some matzo and tea after having been treated for a light wound. 30 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374848 - Infantrymen of the Jewish Brigade leave the road and cut across country on their way to the front. 28 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374850 - 3 inch mortar crew of the Jewish Inf. Brigade preparing to open fire. 30 March, 1945. Pideura area, Italy.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374769 - Sir Bernard L. Montgomery, Commander in Chief of 21st Army Group, and Major General Matthew B. Ridgway, Commanding General of the XVIII Corps, Airborne, check situation maps. 12 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374841 - Artillery of the new Jewish Brigade firing a 25 pounder. 28 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374840 - Infantrymen of the new Jewish Brigade moving up to take positions in the line. 24 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374849 - Members of a 3 inch mortar platoon of the Jewish Inf. Brigade have fried matzo in between German shelling. Pideura area, Italy. 30 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335543 - British and American prisoners held by Nazis in camp near Luckenwalde, greet men of 125th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron of 83rd Division.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335544 - Liberated British and American prisoners in Nazi camp at Luckenwalde, first released by Russians.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374826 - Patrols of 29 Bn., 18th Brigade move cautiously into the village area of Penadjam, Balikpapen, Borneo, under sniper fire. 5 July, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334959 - American and British soldiers shown in street of Lindern, Germany, which is lined with American Sherman and British Churchill tanks.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 336795 - Mortar platoon, 2nd Bn., 3rd Polish Div., firing a British 3 in. mortar. Mt. Croce, Cerro area, Italy.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 336789 - General view of mortar fire by British mortar crew. South of Garigliano, Italy. 13 November, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337790 - Close-up of mortar gun. South of Garigliano, Italy. 13 November, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334849 - Generals' drivers, sitting on jeeps waiting for generals. 22 February, 1945.