Signal Corps Archive: SC 374650 - Lt. William S. Leinberger, southern Cal., "C" Battery, 337th F.A. Bn., 88th Div., inspects the Adam and Eve painting by Frans Floris I, which was bruised and torn in transit.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374649 - Pfc. Louis A. Cilibinli, 337th F.A. Bn., 88th Div., stands guard in one of the rooms used to store several million dollars worth of art treasures stolen by the Nazis and found by men of the 88th Div.
Signal Corps Archive: C-1122 - Infantrymen of the 88th Division march along picturesque mountain highway #64 leading to Bologna. Little resistance was encountered in this sector.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329846 - 1st S.S.F. and 351st Inf. Regt., 88th Div., first troops on the streets of Rome. Shown here are soldiers leaving the protective cover of a burning Mark VI tank to move deeper into Rome. 4 June, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195714 - Tank-dozer of 752nd Tank Bn. with 88th Div. clearing rubble in Firenzuola. 23 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 396909 - S/Sgt. Claude W. Small, of Summit Street, Boothwyn, Pennsylvania, who is serving with the 349th Infantry Regiment of the 88th Division, forgets his drab surroundings as he reads a letter from home.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195712 - 16th Engrs. construct a bypass through remains of bridge destroyed by enemy demolition five miles north of Firenzuola. 23 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195713 - Tank-dozer of 752nd Tank Bn. clears debris from road in Firenzuola, Italy. 23 September, 1944.