Signal Corps Archive: SC 201692 - Life-giving blood plasma is given to infantryman wounded on patrol as he is brought from aid station of 103rd Division of 7th U.S. Army to hospital in rear for further treatment.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201691 - Medics carry a wounded infantryman into aid station of 103rd Division of 7th U.S. Army near Obermodern, France. Man was wounded by anti-personnel mine while on patrol. 27 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201671 - With the gun crew riding on top, a tank destroyer chassis tows a huge Seventh Army 8-inch rifle through a French town, on the way to the front. 26 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201619 - Assault training. Assault training for the forthcoming attack on the Siegfried defenses.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 401499 - A German P.W. using a compressed air jackhammer to break frozen ground for a grave at a military cemetery.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201485-S - A German observation post is the target for American 155mm howitzers. They are blasting it to rubble, as the Germans and Americans fight across the Rhine River in Neuf Breisach, France. 13 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201394 - A wire-laying weasel, a new vehicle in the vicinity of Morschwiller, France, starts out across the open plowed field as Signal Corps linemen manipulate the reels.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201393 - Cpl. Fred Boone, Louisville, Ky., examines a display of a group of models of the Statue of Liberty, in Colmar, France. 17 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 396906 - Seventh Army cavalrymen (L-R) Pvt. Ralph W. Adams, 11 Boutelle St., Leominster, Mass., and Pvt. Frank G. Lapka, 115 Honesdale Rd., Carbondale, Pa., wait by their machine gun for further enemy activities...
Signal Corps Archive: SC 396851 - Trying to protect themselves from rain which followed the heavy snowfall of the past few days are, Pfc. Marvin W. Duden, Hastings, Nebraska, and Pfc. Charles P. Schiel, Bay Port, Long Island, New York. France. 1 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 396850 - Wireman heating chow of C rations in the field for his crew. Snow and cold make work difficult for men whose duties keep them outside. France. 27 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 396876 - Two weary 7th U.S. Army men halt for a break by burnt out weapons carrier in Reipertswiller, during 42nd Infantry Division push through Domaniale Forest. 16 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195732 - This makeshift shelter is home to T/Sgt. Joe Chitwood, of Ironton, Mo., and Pfc. Francis Tuberville of Marton, S.C., as they improvise protection from the mud and rain. Near Nancy, France. 13 October, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195735 - Cpl. Robert E. Murphy of Cincinnati, Ohio, carries fuel into his homemade shelter near Onville, France.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195741 - Mechanized equipment of the 2nd Cavalry Regiment passes a French woman leading her cow as it enters the battle-scarred town of Beauzemont, France. 18 October, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195751 - One of four 90mm tank destroyers hurls armor piercing shell during test on this type recently conducted in France.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195752 - Pvt. Louis Kocherka, of Newark, New Jersey, loads a 90mm shell in a new high-powered T.D., recently acquired by a Third Army tank destroyer battalion.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195758 - Serious young Frenchmen watch U.S. field artillery men jack an 8 inch howitzer into position on a sector near Rambervillers, France.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195759 - American soldiers of the 5th Division give this German tank a close scrutiny. 29 October, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195760 - General view of a tank destroyer maintenance area, somewhere in France. 29 October, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195716 - Wounded prisoner being carried by German captives and Yank medics of 179th Inf., 45th Div. 22 September, 1944. Archettes, France.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195717 - Medic and guard of 179th Inf. Regt., 45th Div., help wounded prisoner. 22 September, 1944. Archettes, France.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195719 - 143rd Inf. soldiers caught this German sneaking into house in town they occupied. 24 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195721 - Gendarmes of Epinal sneak up on German sniper.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195726 - In cemetery containing German dead, Nazis in background dig more graves. Eloyes, France. 28 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195727 - German prisoners throwing dirt on Nazis interred in common grave. 28 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195728 - When his reconnaissance car bogged down while crossing the Moselle River near Vecoux, France, Pvt. Otto Bruske, member of a tank destroyer battalion, Seventh Army, took to wading for assistance. 2 October, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195661 - 3rd Bn., 15th Inf. marching in wet clothes along winding road.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195666 - Japanese-American infantrymen move up steep hill in Bruyeres sector of France. 24 October, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195667 - Under shelling by Nazi units, these Yank medical men carry American wounded to an aid station through the streets of Brouvelieures, France. 25 October, 1944.